Golf Membership
Men & Ladies
7 Day
Includes VAT 13.5%
plus GUI Fees and Insurance
Men & Ladies
5 Day
Includes VAT 13.5%
plus GUI Fees and Insurance
GUI Fees & Insurance
Men - €75.00
Women - €75.00
Membership Categories & Members Privileges
Ordinary Membership

> GUI/ILGU Handicap
> Cover under the Golfsure Personal Insurance Policy
> Seven Day Playing Rights including all club competitions. e.g. Weekend, Mid-week, Monthly Medals, President’s Prize and Captain’s and Vice Captain’s Prizes, The Ronnie Warren, The Louise D’Arcy Trophy, and Golfer of the Year
> Full attendance and voting rights at meetings of the Men’s or Ladies Clubs
> Eligible to be elected or co-opted to be a member of any committee or sub-committee of the Men’s or Ladies Clubs
> Eligible for inclusion on inter-club teams
> Avail of Saturday/Sunday Competition Men’s and Ladies competition tee-time bookings
> Avail of member’s guest rates- Monday-Sunday
Five Day Membership
> GUI/ILGU Handicap
> Cover under the Golfsure Personal Insurance Policy
> Five Day Playing Rights (Monday to Friday) including all club mid-week competitions
> Not eligible to vote at meetings of the Men’s or Ladies Clubs
> Not eligible to be elected or co-opted to be a member of any committee or sub-committee of the Men’s or Ladies Clubs
> Eligible for inclusion on inter-club teams
> Avail of member’s guest rates- Monday- Friday
> Reduced green fees at weekends outside of Men’s & Ladies Competition Tee Times
Junior Membership
> GUI/ILGU Handicap
> Cover under the Golfsure Personal Insurance Policy
> Seven Day Playing Rights, including Junior Competitions, but excluding weekend tee time slots reserved for Men’s and Ladies Competitions, other than those Men’s and Ladies Club Competitions to which Juniors may, from time to time, be invited .
> No Voting Rights
> Eligible for inclusion on Junior inter-club teams
> Eligible for inclusion on inter-club teams
Membership entitles you to the following:
> An official golf handicap from the Golfing Union of Ireland (GUI) or from the Irish Ladies Golfing Union (ILGU).
> Cover under the Golf Sure Personal Insurance Policy.
> Seven day playing rights (Full Member and Junior Member).
> Playing Rights Monday-Friday (Five Day Membership).
> Full Annual Programme of Midweek and Weekend Competitions.
> Inter-Club Competitions.
> Club trips to courses in Ireland as well as Spain and Portugal.
Contact Details:
Telephone: 01-6288208
Celbridge Elm Hall Golf Club
Hazel Hatch, Celbridge Co. Kildare